Bullet End Cap Rings in Stainless, Silver, and Gold
Frequently Asked Questions
If any questions are not answered below, or elsewhere on our website, we encourage you to contact us directly.
Can I choose an insignia and upload my own custom image as well?
Yes! As you continue through the cart, you will see prompts that encourage you to upload the insignia of your choice, or an image from your hard drive or phone. This means either use the default designs featured, or your unique image--or both, where they will appear on opposite sides.
We recommend clearly defined line art for optimal design, as some details may be lost with complicated images.
If there is any reason the image does not go through, please contact us and we will work with you to get us the image directly.
NOTE: The Flame Rings, Talon Rings, Skull & Crossbones, and Eagle Rings do not feature surface for custom images. You may only upload custom insignia/designs to our custom rings. Flame Rings, Talon Rings, Skull & Crossbones, and Eagle Rings do all support custom imprinted TEXT.
What is CAD?
When you see the term, "CAD" on our website in regards to our bullet end cap rings and bullet-shaped jewelry, it refers to "Computer Aided Design" software. It ensures the quality of our jewelry design.
CAD software gives us a 2D or 3D model of what the piece will look like with either our predetermined designs or the custom image you send us; and also the dimensions of each aspect of a piece of jewelry before we make it.
The following images are CAD renderings of our Skull Ring
Skull Ring CAD RenderingSkull Ring CAD RenderingSkull Ring CAD RenderingSkull Ring CAD Rendering
Why does it take three to four weeks to deliver to me?
To ensure quality for out 2A Supporter sterling silver end cap jewelry, we make the rings to order so we pay exact attention to your needs, and concerns. This process takes additional care, in addition to the time crafting the item, quality control and assurance, and finally shipment.
If all your rings are custom created, why can't I customize the Flame Ring, Talon Ring, or Eagle Ring?
Because those rings are designed differently than the ring we offer for custom design. Our custom design ring is similar to a class ring which allows for the side insignias to be changed. The 2nd amendment rings we call Flame Rings, Talon Rings, Skull & Crossbones, and Eagle Rings do all allow you to customize your TEXT imprinted, however.
How long can my custom text be?
Most of our bullet-shaped rings and Second Amendment Rings will allow up to 18 characters, whether made of letters, numerals, or approved symbols. Characters will also include spaces to increase readability, unless told otherwise.
Can I choose a police badge from your existing insignias but also give you the logo of my town to include on the badge?
Yes! As you continue through the cart, you will see prompts that encourage you to upload the insignia of your choice, or an image from your hard drive or phone. This means either use the default designs featured, or your unique image--or both, where they will appear on opposite sides.
We recommend clearly defined line art for optimal design, as some details may be lost with complicated images.
If there is any reason the image does not go through, please contact us and we will work with you to get us the image directly.
NOTE: Flame Rings, Talon Rings, Skull & Crossbones, and Eagle Rings do not feature surface for custom images. You may only upload custom insignia/designs to our custom rings. Flame Rings, Talon Rings, Skull & Crossbones, and Eagle Rings do all support custom imprinted TEXT.